Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ashley Levinson
Twitter: @PCOSgurl

Polycystic ovary syndrome or as many know it #PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder affecting women throughout their life span... It has been recognized in girls as young as 11 years old and continues well through menopause.

Unfortunately the syndrome is not talked about very much, perhaps because it is not the most glamorous syndrome or maybe because they are still trying to figure out exactly what it is and what causes it. It was first diagnosis over 75 years ago by two doctors Stein and Leventhal but as of today there is no consensus on diagnosis and/or treatment criteria.

PCOS is a serious condition that in the short-term create a host of symptoms that women with PCOS have to face daily ( excess facial and body hair, acne, irregular menstrual cycles, depression, eating disorders, to mention a few) and often creates stigmas in which women have been quoted saying attacks their femininity.

PCOS Awareness has to happen now as it affects 1 in 10 women worldwide, that's MILLIONS and it is estimated less than 70% of women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome know they have it!  This compounds many health epidemics facing women as left unchecked, due to insulin resistance and androgen excess can be a precursor to more serious health concerns such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, Endometrial Cancer, Hypertension, Anxiety and Stroke.

So today, I am ending the silence about #PCOS and listing 100 reasons why #PCOS and PCOS Awareness Matters!

If you have a fact about #PCOS I do not list, you think people need to know, please leave it in the comments!


 Because may seriously affect your hormones, menstrual cycle, personal appearance, and fertility, early diagnosis is critical.

 , hyperinsulinemia is connected to the increased production of androgens. This can cause oily skin, acne, facial and body hair

Heavy and irregular periods are a common symptom of , so many treatments are aimed at regulating your menstrual cycle.

With , the ovaries can create an abundance of follicles each month without producing an egg

can produce elevated androgen hormones levels--including testosterone, resulting in abnormal facial and body hair growth.

#Hyperinsulinemia appears to be the main reason for the increased cardiovascular risk of women with

The prevalence of treated is three times higher in women with

The appearance of polycystic-appearing ovaries (multiple tiny cysts) on ultrasonography is noted in as many as 20% of women who have

Women with tend to have higher rates of oxidative stress. Foods high in anxtiodants,  can help reduce this inflammation

A PubMed study shows that taking gluten out of the diet reduces inflammation and insulin resistance in

can be an issue at different times of the month for women suffering from . Thats why gut health is important with PCOS

With extreme dont work Nourish your body with healthy fats and amino acids, as opposed to starving it of these minerals!

With excess insulin signals the ovaries to work overtime to secrete testosterone (excess androgens) which creates symptoms!

For can help balance blood sugar levels and also aids in removal of excess estrogen from the body

with   should eat every 3 hours to help stabilize insulin levels throughout the day

Adding lean protein to your diet is a metabolic booster for and helps you feel full!!!

Studies show women with benefit most when eating 25g to 30g of dietary fiber. So make sure you fill up on leafy greens and fruits!

Recent studies recommend that women with exercise at a minimum of 160 minutes per week to be proactive and ward off

Although it may feel like it, you are not alone in your struggle with . There are millions of women experiencing the same emotions.

Caffeine and other stimulants cause increases in insulin production which have proven to have a negative impact on women with

Women with may experience irregularities infrequent or absent menstrual cycles and no ovulation.

Education about can help people learn to identify menstrual irregularities like with

Many women with report low sexual satisfaction from hormone disruptions & body image

Regular , and or lifestyle management are first-line treatments for

Getting others to understand means the individual is accepting of learning w/ you and for you.

People should not assume is a syndrome associated solely with the ovaries and female hormones. It affects several body systems!

is a disorder of the entire endocrine system affecting the , pituitary gland, , , fat, adrenals and .

is difficult for many doctors to diagnose because there are so many symptoms and not all women have all the warning signs!

Approximately 34% of women with have and 45% have

Some of the most difficult symptoms of are ones you dont see , , irregular , imbalance.

With Physical activity increases energy, improves self esteem and reduces and

The prevalence of in males is 11.5%

There is an Increased prevalence of (fatty disease) reported in with polycystic ovary syndrome

To confirm two of three major symptoms must be present: abnormalities, excess androgen and polycystic ovaries.

Although obesity can be related to lifestyle issues, there are  medical causes for weight gain or that may go undiagnosed

A of can be missed or delayed because some symptoms are similar to those of other and conditions

PCOS is the acronym for polycystic ovary syndrome an endocrine disorder affecting approximately 1 in 10 women worldwide

Women with are more likely to suffer from a variety of sleep disturbances including and obstructive sleep apnea

In research indicates insulin resistance, blood sugar regulation, inflammation, and hormone levels appear to be linked!

is common in women with . About 6% of PCOS patients have bulimia, compared to about 1% of other women

is the most common cause of irregular periods. In fact, it’s a good bet that if a has irregular , she has PCOS.

Women with have a 2.7-fold increased risk for endometrial

Dyslipidemia, (impaired glucose tolerance ) and (type 2 diabetes) are more prevalent in women with

associated metabolic disorders are major predictors of , and (metabolic Syndrome) in

with are an at-risk group for and disorders and reduced quality-of-life

Menstrual cycles in women with become more regular as they approach menopause but... it does not mean their is cured!!

For women with (excess facial & body hair) treatment is focused on reduction in androgen production or testosterone

With You probably crave bread, sugar, or salty foods. Those cravings are signs of a hormonal imbalance!

In the past 20 years only 0.1% of published research on has been dedicated to the healthcare of queer women 

is recognized as the single most common cause of androgen excess, which means an excess of male hormones.

options can vary as someone with polycystic ovary syndrome () may experience a range of , or just one.

is an ongoing, abnormal shift in balance. Male , which every has,  increase beyond normal amounts

makes it difficult for the to use the , which  helps convert sugars and starches from into energy.

Between 1 in 10 of childbearing age has . As many as 7 million women in the United States may be affected.

The cause of is unknown. But , could play a role. with PCOS are more likely to have a or with PCOS

More than 50% of women with will have diabetes or pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance) before the age of 40

The risk of attack is 4 to 7 times higher in with than of the same age without PCOS.

is the most common hormone problem in   ( to ) However, the consequences of PCOS extend beyond menopause.

Many thin women w/ do not have elevated androgen levels as usually defined 20% of patients with PCOS have normal androgen levels!

Visceral fat accumulation may be an early marker of metabolic disorders in non-obese patients with

Women with tend to exhibit abnormal fat distribution even if not obese, perhaps indicating an increased risk of metabolic disorder

Many women with say they feel like they're not really women due to symptoms such as weight gain, facial hair and irregular cycles.

There are two distinctions in women with , those who are overweight and those who are slim. It affects women of all sizes!

Women with typically have (increased male hormones) causing their symptoms

With Often the cysts are lined up on the surface the ovaries, forming the appearance of a "pearl necklace."

PCOS , the may be 1.5 to 3 times larger than normal and characteristically have more than 8 follicles per

A Lipid profile usually shows low HDL, high LDL, and cholesterol and elevated

In lab tests for PCOS Anti-Müllerian Hormone is a relatively new test used and has been found to be increased 2-3 times in

LH/FSH ratio. This is normally about 1:1 in premenopausal women, a 2:1 or 3:1 may provide supporting evidence for a diagnosis of

is a (a collection of signs and ) with no single clinical feature which can make the .

Treatments for 1) weight loss 2) hormone therapy 3) surgical 4) steroid supplementation 5) spironolactone 6) insulin sensitizers

Up to 40% of with demonstrate some degree of impaired glucose tolerance () as a result of insulin resistance

can cause (abnormal of fats) often leading to high cholesterol

has found growing concern that is also associated with (excess production of by the pancreas)

About one-third of women with who are overweight have insulin resistance.

Many symptoms are the result of high levels of androgens i.e. facial hair, acne, thinning scalp.

The susceptibility to is often inherited; however the precise cause is unknown.

is also know as Stein Leventhal Syndrome, PCOD, Syndrome O Anovulatory Androgen Excess & Syndrome X

4 in 10 cases of in pre-menopausal can be linked to

70-90% of androgen excess cases are caused by . It is the most common endocrine disturbance in women

Unfortunately, at present, doctors can only treat individual symptoms of , rather than the entire syndrome.

There are often stigmas attached to , which may inhibit a woman from discussing various symptoms with her doctor such as facial hair.

irregularities: Between periods longer than 35 days, Fewer than 8 periods per year, No period for 4 months or longer

may develop in girls as young as eleven, but it can also develop later, in your teens, twenties, or beyond.

With birth control pills create artificial cycles that will prevent irregular bleeding and the tendency to endometrial cancer

is not a “disease” it is a syndrome, that means it is a collection of symptoms that have to be addressed in their own way

PCOS is often mistaken for thyroid disease so if you you have all the symptoms of low but your thyroid tests normal ask about

PCOS is not an issue it is a metabolic issue that can cause problems with insulin

Some in the medical community believe insulin resistance is the underlying cause of as a result of systemic inflammation

involves multiple body systems: ovaries, adrenal glands, pancreas, and fat stores that produce hormones that are part of the syndrome

Elevated insulin can cause an imbalance of hormones ( estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) in women with

Many women with have normal glucose levels while their fasting or post-prandial (after eating) insulin levels are high!

A great way of reducing visceral fat, andominal fat with is high intensity resistance training

Unfortunately, at present, doctors can only treat individual symptoms of , rather than the entire syndrome.

affects the glucose levels of the body causing Insulin Resistance, a serious pre-diabetic condition.

50-70% of women with #PCOS have symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia or a sugar crash after eating

Regular , , and  are the key treatments for .

There is ((NO)) cure for . It is a condition that is managed, rather than cured

#PCOS is the leading cause of #infertility among women of reproductive age.

Less than 0.1% of NIH Funding is dedicated to #PCOS research, diagnosis and treatment.

is an epidemic affecting 6% of men & women. is a precursor to diabetes affecting 10% of women alone but gets little notice!

To learn more about #PCOS and/or participate in the largest #PCOS Community on Twitter please follow @PCOSgurl

To make a difference for women with #PCOS please sign the online #PCOS Petition with already over 4.3K Supporters!


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